Ideas to Jazz Up Your Paving

Common Facts You Need to Learn About Lime Stabilisation for Pavement Projects

Lime is an important construction material for pavement projects like road infrastructures. It cuts down on costs and portrays a positive environmental impact, especially when treating soil types that are not suitable for roads. 

The techniques involved with lime stabilisation are gradually advancing. Such advances have improved the bearing capacity of subgrade systems in pavement construction projects. With the aid of modern technology, lime has treated unstable soil types like clay to come up with the best and most effective pavement constructions. 

Here are some facts you need to learn when using the lime stabilisation process to treat the soil for your pavement construction project. 

Overall Impact of Lime on Soil 

The main role of using lime is to make the pavement as stable as possible. Therefore, when employing this method, you need to determine the specific soil type being stabilised. 

The Soil

Your analysis needs to determine specific aspects of the soil such as distribution of particles and size or gradation, the content of contaminants, plasticity, in situ density, the composition of natural water, and many other aspects. These components affect the lime mixing process. Without clear information on how the soil is constituted, you may not achieve the best finish of pavement. 

The Lime

You need to determine the best type of lime to be used based on the individual constituents of the soil. Once an analysis of the soil has been done, decide whether you'll be using hydrated lime, ground quicklime, etc. Do not underestimate this step. For instance, when using quick lime, the grading and contents determine its reactivity to water. 

Quality Control and Design Criteria 

When dealing with a soil type that is laboratory mixed for re-use with fine grains and has been involved in an earthquake, the site in question must engage the following steps. 

Classification and Qualification

For soil involved in an earthquake, it must be classified and approval done for the lime stabilisation process to be done. Involve professional geo-technologists to produce the most accurate report before stabilising it with lime. 

The Mix Design

You need to determine the binder content as it relates to the planned use and specific nature of the soil being treated. Most importantly, the water content of the soil must also be determined to ensure the lime works properly. 

Treatment of soil with lime controls socking of water that can destabilise its ability to withstand traffic. To achieve the best result, you must understand the individual properties of soil to recommend the best type of lime. 

If you need help with lime stabilisation, talk to a contractor in your area. 
